Wakefield, West Yorkshire, England. This photo was taken early in the morning at a local park. A lovely sunstar and rays of light poking through the trees and the remnants of fog and mist in the deep background.


I have always been interested in photography. My first career aim (other than wanting to an astronaut) was to be a cinematographer. I had planned to leave school early and enrol at the Australian Film and Television School, but in the end decided I should finish high school. I then became interested in other things career-wise, and now I work as a university Professor. Yet I’ve always retained my love of photography. I used an iPhone for many years but then in 2021 decided to take the plunge with a mirrorless camera - the Nikon Z7ii and a 35 mm lens. I’d just returned from a holiday in Scotland and one of the photos I took on the iPhone really needed to be blown up and hung on the wall. The image looks great, but it got me thinking that using a full-frame camera and lens would take my photography into new areas. So I bought the Nikon Z7ii. I realised early on that I needed an outlet for my photographs, and so this website was born. I do hope you enjoy what you see, and please get in touch if you’d like to chat. If there’s a photo that you’d like on your wall or in another format, then I’m happy to do that for you at cost (i.e., no profit for me). That is, the cost would be just that involved in having the image printed (I use WhiteWall) and delivered.

Grant Abt